First public concert in Warwick Hall

On Saturday 1st October, Warwick Hall resounded with musical brilliance, when an inaugural Gala Concert featuring pupils of Warwick School and King’s High School and performing alongside the professional musicians of Orchestra of the Swan.
The newly-built hall is one of the finest performance venues in the region and, as well as benefitting pupils across the Warwick Independent Schools Foundation, will be an asset to the whole community.
The evening saw an inspired repertoire that was complemented by a stunning array of performances by pupils and professionals alike. It centred on Orchestra of the Swan (OOTS), the Stratford-based chamber orchestra and featured the internationally-acclaimed baritone Roderick Williams
Under the auspices of artistic director and conductor David Curtis, OOTS provided a splendid musical backdrop from which the talented pupils of the Warwick Independent Schools Foundation shone brightly forth. Warwick School students, Archie Whitby and Sam Young were the stars oif the show.